Los niños suelen quedarse hipnotizados ante este tipo de lámparas, donde los fluidos suben y bajan, se cruzan pero no se mezclan...
Para realizar el experimento en el aula, propongo que los ingredientes ya estén medidos, es decir, que los niños solo tengan que mezclar lo que les propongamos.
- leche
- aceite vegetal (de girasol)
- pastilla efervescente
- un vaso o botella o recipiente transparente
I recently had the chance to talk to a chemist and asked her for classroom experiments for children. Given the budget so low that we have, a few things occurred to her. But whatever you think or need, often we can find it on the Internet. Here I have come across different locations, which will be described in future publications, where they propose learning situations.
Children often become mesmerized with this type of lamps, where fluids go up and down, crossing but do not mixing ...
To perform the experiment in the classroom, I propose that the ingredients already measured, ie that children only have to mix what they propose.
We need:
- milk
- vegetable oil (sunflower)
- effervescent tablet
- bottle or a glass or clear container
Fuentes: imagen Maria | vídeo RecetasDeCocina